Spelling Test

Money has been on my mind, it made me think yesterday of one of the complaints my husband makes. Not just him but a lot of people. If I’m a witch why don’t I cast a spell to win the lottery? This led to thoughts about magic and how it works. I’m not going to give the definitive guide to spell work, because I’m not going to say my way is the right and only way. There’s no such thing, it’s what works for you. Magic is different for different people. It’s your reality that you’re creating.

I see magic as the act of creating possibilities, opening previously closed doors as it were. That is why when I’m asked why I can’t cast a lottery win spell, I find it hard to explain. It does not mean I can’t, it’s just magic is not that specific. Otherwise, there would be a lot of rich witches, witchcraft can be a time consuming path. I’m sure there are many witches who would appreciate not having to go to work to concentrate on their spiritual pursuits.

Magic is more discreet than just demanding what we want, it’s more subtle. Just because I can’t stamp my foot, light a candle and poof win the lottery, doesn’t mean it doesn’t work.

I imagine casting a spell is like being on a beach by a rock pool. There’s a rivulet of water running towards the sea. This rivulet is one possible path towards what I want but if I were a little fish that is my one and only opportunity to get out into the big sea. So i use a stick to carve two more rivulets. Two different paths but would increase my chances of getting where I want to be. It might take a longer route or a more scenic route but essentially little fish has a better chance now of achieving his dream.

So to me magic is about fixing your intent and your will, you cast your spell or say your prayer and then be aware of the increased opportunities and prosperity that come your way. The price of magic is the energy in which you plan to expend to make your desires reality. Magics subtlety puts what you need in your path but it’s up to you to gather those strands together.

I believe in synchronicity I can’t help but believe that there’s a path marked for me and there’s magic in that. A feather, an opportunity, a coincidence, these things on a daily basis remind me that my Goddess is watching over me and I trust in her that whatever happens is for a reason and the universe will offer what I need, when I need it even if I don’t realize it. For me this is perfect love and perfect trust. Image

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