Forgive me Slimming World, I have synned.

Feeling poorly today and it’s been reflected back in what I’ve eaten. Some days there seems to be no balance it’s on completely on the diet or off. Today was mainly off….ahem two cream cakes and a big bar of chocolate. It’s medicinal, I have a sore throat. I don’t even want to try and syn it. It’s harder sticking to slimming world for me at target than it was when I was trying to lose weight.

However I made an adapted slimming world recipe last night which was pretty good. Considering that hubby kept disappearing off to have a cigarette, which resulted in the children reverting to some kind of animalistic state. I could hear grunts, growls and squeals coming from behind the kitchen door. As long as there were no screams I reasoned then it was probably best to leave them be.

Anyway, the recipe….chicken tagliatelle 1.5 syns per serving. The original recipe was in this months Slimming World magazine but I made a few changes…that shouldn’t affect the syn value.  I boiled the tagliatelle, oven roasted the cherry tomatoes for 15 minutes with rosemary because it was the only fresh herb I had….it was the day before shopping day. I diced up the chicken more finely and bulked it up with bacon with the fat cut off because I just thought that would quite a nice addition (and I didn’t have enough chicken). So I fried up the meat in fry light. I added mushrooms and peppers to the meat and cooked up. The recipe asked for courgettes but we don’t like them, they’d only be viewed with suspicion by the kids anyway. Then mixed all together with 75g of Philadelphia light with garlic and herbs. The mixing was harder than it sounded as tagliatelle is sticky and so is cream cheese and all the rest of the ingredients kept sinking to the bottom so I ended up having to dump the mix in a bowl and try to mix it together that way. It was a thumbs up from hubby. Baby refused to have it anywhere near his mouth. The nine year old viewed the tomatoes with suspicion as he only likes uncooked tomatoes so suggested that maybe he could put them to one side, having tried them though the tomatoes quickly disappeared. Oven cooking in this way with the herbs really added to their taste, which I wasn’t expecting as I thought it was just a ploy to make my life more complicated than it needed to be and make me look like I accomplished chef rather than a mother who was shouting and smashing her way through the kitchen, hulk like in a vain attempt at creating something that everyone would eat. It was nice, I’ll definitely cook it again. Image

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